The Kintaro Event Logo

The Kintaro Event is a long-form, retro-futuristic science-fiction board game utilizing mechanics of trade, combat, and short Mission-based stories.

In The Kintaro Event board game, you will: complete jobs and commissions; buy and sell resources for profit; engage in combat with marauders, pirates, military, corporate ships, or other players; and complete short stories to learn more about the goings-on within the setting.

We've spent a lot of effort to ensure, despite it's complexity, that this game is easy-to-understand for the widest audience possible--basic math, logic, & reading skills are all that's needed.

Play duration is approximately 2 hours per person, with single player play being possible alongside a maximum recommended group size of 4 people. The game covers a wargaming table with little room to spare, so don't be surprised if you need to pull multiple tables together for it to fit—we tried making it smaller, but it just wasn't feasible with our goals.



The Kintaro Event is a massive game, with many different functions and mechanics. Below is a near comprehensive list of components.


The primary game surface, which includes maps for all systems, placement for all decks, and legends for some of the game details.


These consoles are where players will track details about their Ship, Cargo, Passengers, Missions, and Events.


Due to the mass amount of wealth each player can accumulate, tracking this is done using a dial-based tracker instead of bills and coins.


The Kintaro Event includes dice for commodities, hit conditions for all the various weapons, and to determine the effectiveness of sensor jammers.

Simplified image of The Kintaro Event laid out on a 5 by 7 foot table

Directives provide the win conditions for each player, as well as potential play style.


Each player starts off with a basic shuttle, but can upgrade these as they progress. Cards are placed here to provide details about a player's specific ship, while the player uses standees of the appropriate size on the game board.


There are 11 card decks in total, with 7 of those residing on the Main Board.


Floating trackers, Cargo, Passenger, Equipment, and ship tokens live in these two trays during play, while other tokens are given to each player for use on their console.

Anatomy of a Star System


The name of the star system. Most names are taken from current names or inspired by associated mythologies.


The name of the spaceport. Some ports, such as many space stations, have abbreviated names in order to reduce the space taken on the map. Full names can be found in the guidebook.


Every port in this game is controlled by a specific faction. Ports in the same system are usually controlled by the same faction.


The number of Jobs or Shipyard cards that can be pulled on any given turn.

Sol System Map

Ports with Shipyards are signified by black text on a solid green background. These are limited to: Earth, Keluaran, Alsabaaba, Giakas, and Styx.


Every star system has at least one star, with the colors varying based on their type. You can learn more about these in the guidebook.


Categories of commodities available to sell on the interstellar market.


Some systems contain decorations—objects that exist within the system but which players rarely (if ever) interact with.

Data Pads

To facilitate smooth play and reduce the common headaches of looking through a user manual, we've created these three data pads to be passed around the table. Each pad will be manufactured using heavy chipboard to ensure a satisfying weight and reduce potential for warping. Details of these pads can be found below.

Equipment & Consumables Data Pad

Quick Start

For those interested in getting into the game more quickly, we've built this Quick Start Data Pad. While presently still incomplete, this pad will contain all info necessary to get started with the game without having to reference the manual. The more detailed information will be restricted to the manual due to its size. This pad will also contain brief details on how to use the other two data pads.

Equipment & Consumables Data Pad


Combat in The Kintaro Event board game is nowhere near as complex as in other games, but there's still a fair amount to keep track of and know. This pad will contain a run-down of the Basics of Combat, a legend for all combat-related icons, details on determining turn order, tie-breaker mechanics, and more.

Equipment & Consumables Data Pad

Equipment & Consumables

This pad contains all available Equipment and Consumables. To determine which Equipment and/or Consumables are available to purchase at any given port, announce which subsection you wish to purchase from, then roll dice matching the number of cards on the port. The numbers on the dice correspond to which items are available to purchase that round.

For example, a player wishes to purchase from the Ship Mods section while on Earth, and announces "I'm going to purchase a ship mod—I hope they have Cargo Pods available." They roll six 10-sided dice and get 3, 5, 2, 7, 3, and 8. That means they can purchase one or two Auxiliary Fuel Tanks, a Cargo Pod, an Afterburner, a Mass Expansion kit, and/or a Ramscoop. Provided they have the requisite space on their ship, they can purchase any combination of the above items. In this case, they acquired the Cargo Pod they were looking for.


This seems large and complex for a board game. Why didn't you just make a video game instead?

The original concepts for this game were actually as a video game, however, not only do we not have the requisite skills to do this, but we also do not have the time to learn or funds to hire anyone. We also figured the target demographic for this game (namely those that already play large and complex games) wouldn't mind so much.

Why did you use so much AI-generated artwork?

Similar to the prior question, I have neither the requisite skills nor (most importantly) time to do otherwise. Additionally, while I would've loved to pay someone to create the dozens of portraits, ships, space stations, and other items needed for this game, I just don't have the funds for it. If you are or know someone that is willing to work on a profit-sharing basis and understands that there may not even be profit and therefore pay, please get in touch via one of the social media channels below. I would absolutely love to use all original artwork.

So what is and is not AI-generated?

Most of the images for Events and Missions, Ships and Space Stations were generated using AI. Planets were generated with a combination of a fractal map generator and a lot of Photoshop for shading, atmosphere, clouds, etc. Stars were generated in part using SpaceEngine, but also a lot of Photoshop to get textures, colors, bloom, and other features just right. All interface elements, card designs, tokens, and other components (outside of the aforementioned features) were designed and created by me only, with inspiration from a variety of sources.

What were those inspirations you mentioned?

The original inspiration for The Kintaro Event was a computer game from 1996 called Escape Velocity (EV). While this game is a far cry different from what EV was, EV was the impetus for all my original ideas, even down to the combat, trade, and Mission systems. Additional inspirations are... Star Wars, Star Trek, Alien, Tron, and a great many more sci-fi shows, movies, and video games from the 1970s into the 1990s.



Game Design and Graphics
Mikal Krall

Where to purchase


The Kintaro Event is still in progress, and therefore cannot currently be purchased. Keep an eye out for our Kickstarter, which will be announced on one of our social media channels below, or sign-up for monthly email updates here.


Get in touch


Whether interested in one of our Ideas or Projects, joining our team, providing support, or just down for a chat, you can reach us through one of the listed social media channels.

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Copyright 2023 © Sapient Ape Games, LLC • Vancouver, Washington, USA • All rights reserved.